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About UK meeting with Vincent Tourette


Réseau UK - Londres

Nouvelles des réseaux



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We had such a good meeting sunday evening !

We had a very interesting debate, starting with each participant presenting him/herself. Each participant raised 1-2 question(s) to Vincent, our honored guest.

After that, Vincent started sharing his career story with us. His dream as a student was to work as a Product Manager at Groupe Renault. The key was to embark on a VIE journey, which then led him to start selling cars in Dijon - with the goal to acquire field/sales experience as a starting point. With that, Vincent evolved within the commercial function to be a sales manager at the age of 27 - this time at Bordeaux.

Other highlights in Vincent's career are his international experiences: the Netherlands, managing the Nordic countries (and shifting completely the financial situation of this region), Japan (a huge work and cultural challenge) and finally the UK.

Moving forward Vincent is analysis whether settling in a region would be interesting for him from a professional and personal perspectives...

Vincent was also kind enough to answer questions from all participants and I truly feel that this meeting added value to each one of us. Vincent's sharing was very honest and open - including details about his family and daily agenda. I feel that he really wished to share his career reflections with his ESC colleagues.

Thank you, Vincent, for this beautiful Sunday evening - where you brought some sunlight into a full UK winter doubled by a lockdown :).


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